A touch of luxury
Indulge in a relaxing bath or pop open a test tube for a mini-manicure soak
Hand blended: the bath salts are a unique blend of Epsom & Himalayan salts with flowers and complementary essential oils
No preservatives are used in these salt blends

Epsom Salt: Also known as magnesium sulfate. It’s a chemical compound made up of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen.
It gets its name from the town of Epsom in Surrey, England, where it was originally discovered.
Pink Himalayan salt: A type of rock salt from the Punjab region of Pakistan, near the foothills of the Himalayas.
Taking any kind of bath can be a relaxing experience. One study, found bathing in warm water for 10 minutes can reduce fatigue, stress, and pain and increase feelings of contentment and emotional health.
Advocates say that Himalayan salt is able to generate negative ions in the air, creating the type of calming effect many people experience on a saltwater beach.
While this hasn’t been proven, anecdotal evidence suggests people find mineral baths, like Himalayan salt baths, to be soothing and relaxing.

Salt has antimicrobial properties, which may make it beneficial for treating acne.
Himalayan salt baths might be a good way to treat acne on hard-to-reach areas of the body where breakouts occur, such as the back or shoulders.
Mineral baths have been shown to have benefits for people with psoriasis or eczema. They can reduce scaling, redness, and irritation.
According to the National Eczema Association, adding salt to bathwater can reduce the stinging that water might cause skin during a severe flare-up. The magnesium content in Himalayan salt might also make it beneficial for reducing skin inflammation.